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Here is all the API information relating to the main bot itself


Where you can find all the handlers


Where you can find all the Discord bot handling information

Property: Instance

Type: Handlers.DiscordBot

This is a static instance that can be used after the main DiscordLab.Bot plugin has been enabled. This contains all the values listed below

Property: Client

Type: DiscordSocketClient

This is the bot client itself and how you should interact with the Discord API if DiscordLab does not have a method for you

Method: Init()

Returns: void

Initialises the bot, do not run this in your own module.

Method: Unregister()

Returns: void

Disables the handler, do not run this in your own module.

Method: GetGuild(ulong id)


  • id - The ID of the guild you want to get in ulong

Returns: SocketGuild

Get a guild by ID


Get all extension methods supplied by the main bot


Gets all extensions related to the IMessage class.

Method: IsUserMessage(this IMessage message)


  • message - The IMessage you wish to check

Returns: bool

Checks if an IMessage is a user message and not a system message


Get all features the main bot has.


Get all constants for config variables.

Constant: GuildId

Type: string

Gets the string for GuildId in Config

Constant: IsEnabled

Type: string

Gets the string for IsEnabled in Config

Constant: Debug

Type: string

Gets the string for Debug in Config


Public class for creating new modules that can be used inside DiscordLab to update/install modules/main bot.

Property: ModuleName

Type: string

Get or set the module name

Property: Version

Type: Version

Get or set the version

Property: Url

Type: string

Get or set the download URL of the module/main bot


Get the interfaces used on classes


Get the DiscordLab config interface

Property: GuildId

Type: ulong

The Guild ID where this module/main bot should run


Get the interface for handlers so they can be found

Method: Init()

Returns: void

Here is where you should put your code for when the module/main bot is enabled

Method: Unregister()

Returns: void

Here is what you should put for when the module/main bot is disabled


Here is the interface to create slash commands

Property: Data

Type: SlashCommandBuilder

The defining information about your slash command, like name, options, description, etc

Property: GuildId

Type: ulong

Where this command should be registered

Task: Run(SocketSlashCommand command)


  • command - The SocketSlashCommand

This is what should happen when your slash command is executed


Here is where all the modules are, includes methods which you should touch.


A module that allows you to register all IRegisterable and ISlashCommand classes in your code.

Should be instantiated and bound to a variable so it can be run in OnEnabled and OnDisabled

Method: Load(Assembly assembly)


  • assembly - Your project's Assembly

Returns: void

Load the module/main bot.

Method: Unload()

Returns: void

Unloads the module/main bot.


Run stuff in a queue based system

Method: QueueRun(string id, Action action)


  • id - The unique ID of this queue, should be something that doesn't change unless it's part of a different queue.
  • action - The code that should run when the initial 5 seconds is over

Returns: void

Run code after 5 seconds of it's initial call. Any requests to send the same ID again will be ignored.


Allows you to manually load slash commands, recommended to use HandlerLoader.

Static class

Method: LoadCommands(Assembly assembly)


  • assembly - Your plugin's Assembly

Returns: void

Loads the ISlashCommand classes in the plugin

Method: ClearCommands()

Returns: void

Clears all commands, dangerous.


Auto-updater / update warning system.

Static class

Also holds 2 classes GitHubRelease and GitHubReleaseAsset, allows interaction with the GitHub API Response

Property: Statuses

Type: List<DiscordLab.Bot.API.Features.UpdateStatus>

Get the currently created modules/main bot from the GitHub API

Method: WritePlugin(byte[] bytes, string name)


  • bytes - The file content in a byte[] format.
  • name - The plugin/module/main bot name

Task: DownloadPlugin(DiscordLab.Bot.API.Features.UpdateStatus status)

Params: - status The DiscordLab.Bot.API.Features.UpdateStatus to download.

Downloads and writes a plugin to the plugins folder

Task: GetStatus()

Gets all DiscordLab modules/main bot via the GitHub API and adds them to the Statuses list.


Allows you to read/write JSON config values from/to `EXILED/Configs/DiscordLab/config.json

Method: GetConfig

Returns: JObject

Get the current config

Method: WriteConfigOption(string key, JToken value)


  • key - The key where the object should add the data, as type string
  • value - The data to save, as JToken

Returns: void

Write a config value