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You should really only reference DiscordLab.Bot in your project, unless you need to hook to another module for their Channel or whatever.

With DiscordLab.Bot, it has some methods that you can use to instantly start up your module. There is 2 interfaces which can be used, IRegisterable and ISlashCommand.

IRegisterable is used for registering Handlers, such as Discord bot related stuff and events, and ISlashCommand is used for registering Slash Commands.

If you use both interfaces on your classes, this allows for you to easily register your module with the bot. All you need to do is get DiscordLab.Bot.API.Modules.HandlerLoader and make a new instance of it, then in OnEnabled call HandlerLoader.Load() and inside the Load method, pass in Assembly. This will then load all the handlers and slash commands within your module. Also don't forget to remove the handlers in the OnDisabled method, you can do this by calling HandlerLoader.Unload(), no need for Assembly in this one though.

In DiscordLab.Bot.Handlers there is a DiscordBot class which you can use to interact with the bot which is logged in. This class has an Instance property which means you can just do DiscordLab.Bot.Handlers.DiscordBot.Instance to get the bot instance. This has a Client property which is the main Discord client and a Guild property which is the guild the main bot has referenced in the config.

You should always bind stuff to the Guild property for sending messages or finding channels, but you may need to use the Client property sometimes too, like for the Ready event. When doing the Ready event, you can just add the event on like a normal event, so usually it would be like this:

DiscordLab.Bot.Handlers.DiscordBot.Instance.Client.Ready += OnReady;
private async Task OnReady()
    // Do stuff here

If you want to access Guild in the ready event, I would recommend doing a Timing.CallDelayed as Guild is fetched in the Ready event too, so it may not be available straight away.

Also, you can just do any event that Discord.Net supports, not just Ready.

Last thing, make sure channels are always text channels if you plan on sending/receiving messages, Guild.GetTextChannel is a good method to use.