What is a module?
A module is a plugin made to connect with DiscordLab and give seamless integration without needing a second Discord bot for one server, anyone and everyone can make their own plugin, integration with public plugins can even be done without needing to have a module made by the DiscordLab team themselves.
Installing a module
To install a module, we have made a simple Discord bot command and LocalAdmin command to install modules, you can run either of these commands to install a module.
Discord Command
/discordlab install <module name>
LocalAdmin Command
discordlab install <module name>
You can also install a module by downloading the module from the DiscordLab GitHub and placing it in the EXILED/Plugins
Configuring a module
Each module has its own configuration, you can find the configuration in a similar place to where you found the main bot's configuration. If you want to understand what each option does, you can look at the comment added to the config option. You can also look at our modules documentation for more information on each module. You can find this on the left hand side of this page.
What modules are there?
Easiest way to find modules is by using the discordlab list
command either in Discord or LocalAdmin, or you can just check the modules on the left hand side.
How do I know what a module does?
You can find all the information you need about a module on the modules page on this documentation, you can find this on the left hand side of this page.